
LT2024Q1 | Embracing wellness with Lamprell

Lamprelltimes 2024 Q1 edition, published April 2024
Embracing wellness with Lamprell's comprehensive programmes

At Lamprell, the well-being of our employees is paramount, and this commitment is reflected in the diverse array of wellness programmes and events offered by our dedicated Wellness team. Both online and in-person, these initiatives ensure accessibility and variety, catering to the diverse needs of our workforce.

In January, the Wellness team hosted an online event focusing on voluntary medical and dental plans. This Microsoft Teams presentation provided valuable insights into healthcare options. February marked the introduction of an onsite orientation session with Novitas Telehealth, tailored for our QIC insurance members. March saw an impressive step further, with the Novitas Virtual Clinic setting up at Lamprell’s camp for yard employees. This onsite presence offered a range of health and wellness services directly to our staff, ensuring easy access to essential health care.

Additionally, February witnessed the launch of the SmartRelaxation initiative from SmartLife, a programme offering holistic wellness to our yard employees. Focused on yoga, breathing exercises and meditation techniques, this 13-week programme runs every Sunday. SmartRelaxation, a part of the SmartLife programme, is proudly supported by Lamprell, demonstrating our commitment to the holistic well-being of our workforce.

These varied initiatives not only enhance our employees’ physical and mental well-being but also cultivate a culture that values and supports their overall wellness.